By Creatives for Creatives

Hello ICON Magazine is the first digital space where Art nurtures, empowers and create connections beyond all racial, gender, religious, age and ideological differences.

Founded in January, 2021 after a virtual curation of stories inspired by the 2020 global lockdown. We thrive as a platform #WhereArtMeetsPurpose

Who We Are

Oops! Maybe this phrase should rather be ‘Who We Are Not,’ because we are everything beautiful and more.

We Are The Undefined

We represent the Art of those little children on the streets, with unique talents unexplainable by society.

We Are Art Redefined

We reflect this in all boundlessness, beauty, diversity and purpose.

We are the poetry. The stories. The paintings. The illustrations. The music. The dance. The photography. The graphic designs. The Animations. The movies and dramas. The fashion and even the unconventional like sports and science. #WeAllHaveAnArt

Yup! At Hello ICON Magazine, Science is an Art. So do not be surprised when you see a Doctor on our team or a Tech Lord/Data Scientist on our cover page.

We believe in the wholeness of our community, this is why we have a page or more for almost anyone.

Our Vision

To be a place where dreams call home. Where Creatives are empowered both mentally and financially to use Art as a tool for finding purpose and solving social issues.

Our Mission

We believe the world is dark enough. Our mission is to constantly nurture and build an army of Creatives, shining a light through Art and creating global connections.

What Matters To Us

We believe everyone has an Art, yet no one has it all. We believe this should bring us together beyond all our differences. Coming together. Standing side by side each other beyond time and distance. This is our strength as a people, and this is our path on the way to creating true and lasting change.

We choose to consciously reflect and use the gifts we carry.

Like the rainbow through the storms

Like the sunshine in the rain

Like light shining through, tunnel after tunnel.

Our Team

A Sky Full of Stars #WeAreFamily

We take pride in our makeup of 95% African team members.

Hello ICON Magazine creates a working space where love is the primary dialect. Where everyone is allowed to grow, blossom and pursue both personal and collective dreams. Where no one really knows who is the Boss, because everyone is treated like royalty.

With zero money, a pocket full of dreams, hearts immersed in a common goal, and passion fired up in our bones, we built a system we once searched for.

You’ll be wrong to call us strong. We are strength.

Cheers! To a team that turns water into wine even in places that have no liquid.

Our Community

Founded in 2017, ‘Express_Shun’ is a global community of like minds bound by our differences. Today, Express_Shun thrives as the Hello ICON Society

Our Story #WeAreHome

Shortly after our Founder, Eden Benibo, curated over 70 lockdown stories of people from 11 countries across 3 continents,  two things became more glaring and served as connecting dots among all stories:

i. Everyone has an Art and a story.

ii. The power of storytelling in creating global connections, giving warmth in cold times and preserving history for days when memory may fail.

The success and impact of this ‘Lockdown Story’ project lead to the birth of Hello ICON Magazine. #ContinuationofLegacies

Hello ICON Magazine remains a platform for both Artists and their Arts in between creating global inspirations and more.

Our Values

  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Integrity
  • Positivity
  • Impact
  • Kindness
  • Empathy
  • Consistency
  • #Excellence